Episode 12: Back in the Saddle | Jubitz Ponderosa Lounge and Nite Hawk Lounge (May 5, 2019)

Damn near five months after our last official episode in the field -- that is a night when we visit actual bars, drink at them, consider them, and return to the South Beaverton HBTG podcast studio to blather about them -- we are BACK. On May 5, 2019, we celebrated the fledgling Mexican army's victory over imperial French forces at the Battle of Puebla in 1892 in the only way we know how...by travelling to the deepest northern frontier of Portland to soak in some country western flavor at venerable Jubitz Truck Stop's formerly venerable and now completely remodeled Ponderosa Lounge. (Yeah, we're weird like that.) We capped it off with a pop-in at former oil n' lube place turned underrated diner and underwhelming bar/pool hall Nite Hawk Cafe & Lounge. Tune in to hear our ramblings on cowboy hat style, sports loyalties on the dance floor, ice bucket beers, the future of old bar billiards, and more...it's all in our latest episode of History by the...