Episode 6: Old School Sports Bars at Nick's Famous Coney Island & Claudia's (July 23, 2018)

Nick's Famous Coney Island | SE Portland | Hawthorne Established: 1935 First Drinks: Pabst Blue Ribbon (Nate), Miller High Life (Fredo) Interesting Food: Well, there was a delish looking quinoa salad... Whaddyou think?! We were there to eat Coney dogs! We woulda been remiss without eating a Coney, but aside from the ambiance, can't say it was memorable in any way. Men's Room: 4/5 urinal pucks I really wanted to give this one a perfect 5-puck score. It was cramped, there was lots of vintage and authentic memorabilia (not generic bric-a-brac)...character out the wazoo...BUT...I couldn't overlook the locking door and somewhat modern, uninteresting fixtures...demerits for each...I'm a hard man to please. Musings: Nick's was THE neighborhood bar and hangout back when all the local residents on Hawthorne were blue collar hard drinking and plain eating types. It was run by a legendary owner/barman (Frank Nudo) who was the reason y...