Episode 2 - Part 1: Lutz Tavern (Feb. 26, 2018)

Lutz Tavern (SE PDX -- Woodstock neighborhood)



First Drinks: 

PBRs (NPG n Fredo), Boneyard IPA (Bill)... The Lutz is famous for resurrecting PBR sales in Portland and, really, the United States in the late '90s...HBTG rookie Bill forgot all about that and ordered a fancy pants craft beer anyway. 

Interesting Food: 

all modern stuff... Super delicious but no real old school quirk

Men's Room: 

4/5 urinal pucks (original mid-century fixtures, no doorknob, interesting graffiti, funky smell and a GRIT soap dispenser (-1 puck for no actual grit soap in it)


The original clientele likely wouldn't love the (really good) hip hop bumping on the night we visited, but they'd certainly still recognize the charm of the Lutz... Great prices... Vintage fixtures everywhere... About as good of an old school PDX bar as you can find... Well preserved, but modern and still honoring those who first made this former "beer bar" a great place to forget about your troubles for awhile.


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