Episode 4 - Part 2/2: Crackerjacks & Joe's Cellar (May 7, 2018)

Joe's Cellar | NW Portland I assure you it's actually Joe's Cellar. Established: 1941 First Drinks: Beam n' Coke (Alfredo)...Rainier tallboy (NPG) Interesting Food: "Working Man's Special" (biscuits & gravy and coffee for $3 from 7-10 a.m. daily) NOTE: Didn't order since we were there in the evening, but that is a GREAT sign of a dive bar's quality when they still consider themselves a working man's (or woman's) hangout and price things accordingly. "AROUSE HER!" Men's Room: 2/5 urinal pucks (just generally run down in a nondescript kinda way...thought-provoking condom machines keep it from being a 1-puck stop) RANDOM ASIDE: What is the DEAL with these condom machines? I'm going to guess they generate about $6 of revenue annually. Who the hell is buying these things? Also, what's with the commanding copy next to the "studded" version -- "AROUSE HER!" So much pressure! A...