One Year of the Glass (part 2 of 4)

After a very brief* delay in production due to competing life priorities, we are BACK with the second of our four-part anniversary series reflecting on the first 16(!!) bars we visited in the olden days before our podcast launched.
Joe's Cellar

After changing up our recording set up for the first part of our anniversary recording -- a rollicking and rambling recap with our friend Bill Clifford -- we, of course, found ourselves completely unable to re-calibrate when we sat down to revisit our trips to Wanker's Corner, Corner Saloon, Crackerjack's Pub & Eatery, and Joe's Cellar way back on Feb. 15.

Wanker's Corner
The result was a 90-minute technical difficulty delay that left both our on-air talent (Nate) and our studio engineer (Nate) seething. Thankfully it was nothing a few Flamin' Hot Cheetos and a Foster's Oil Can couldn't improve though and we were eventually off and rolling.

So join us as we do a Serial style unraveling of the conflated history of  Wanker's Corner (10:56) and the other Corner Saloon (or is it the original?!) (29:53)...then jump over to NW Portland to recall our personal debuts at the kitschy fun bar (and 4-puck restroom) of Crackerjack's (59:37), and finally a wistful tip of the cap to one of the city's great and perennially endangered dive bars, Joe's Cellar (1:10:10).

*okay, technically it was 24 days between releases, BUT in the span of time and space and all that shit, it's just a blip right?! (We'll try to speed it the f--k up going forward.)


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